January 26, 2025 10:00 AM ET
Liturgy: ELW Setting 2 Epiphany 2025
Past worship services are also archived on our YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@christtheredeemerlutherand3136
We worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00, usually following an order of service from Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) or All Creation Sings (ACS). We sing praise to God, listen to readings from the Bible and a sermon, offer prayers, and receive nourishment at the Lord's Table. Lay and ordained persons provide leadership. A Casavant pipe organ, piano and guitars accompany our hymns.
We observe the Christian calendar. Four weeks of Advent mark the start of a new year, and prepare us for Christmas. During the twelve days of Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Epiphany allows us to recall the start of of our Lord's public ministry. The forty days of Lent lead us to commemorate Christ's sacrificial death on the cross. In Easter we rejoice for fifty days at his resurrection. The day of Pentecost is the birthday of the church. And the Sundays which follow, until fall, lead us to reflect on the whole of Jesus' life on earth.
Lutherans recognise two sacraments, or very sacred events. In Holy Baptism water and God's Word serve as an initiation into the Christian faith. In Holy Communion (also called the Lord's Supper or the Eucharist) Jesus' promise allows bread and wine to become his saving body and blood. All Baptised Christians are invited to receive this special meal.
We also hold Affirmations of Baptism (confirmations), Weddings and Funerals. Contact the pastor to receive further information.