
Much of the work we do to support others in our community and around the world is coordinated by our Outreach and Stewardship Committees, and a program called Wealth Share.  

Locally we have provided significant support in 2024 for:

    Chez Doris - Women's resource centre and shelter in Montreal

    NDG Food Bank - Food distribution in Notre-Dame-de-Grace 

    West Island Assistance Fund/Roxboro Food Bank -  Food assitance in Roxboro

Further from home we are committed, this year, to providing support for:

Eastern Synod Benevolence - offerings to support the work of the wider church in Eastern                Canada, and across Canada

Canadian Lutheran World Relief - international aid and development, including                                  emergencies

    Lutherlyn Camp and Conference Centre - residential camping in Ottawa Valley for all ages


See our Links page or look any of them up on-line to find out more about some of these outstanding organisations and the services they provide.